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default map pin icon 5101 North 48th Street, Lincoln, NE 68504, USA

This listing was last updated on: November 26, 2021

Expanded listing for: HazToGo - Lincoln's Hazardous Waste Center

Hours of Operation

Open on Wednesdays and the third Saturday of the month between 9 am - 1 pm. (Closed on Federal holidays)

Description: Lincoln's Hazardous Waste Center serves Lincoln and Lancaster County as your safe, environmentally responsible location for disposal of toxic chemicals and hazardous waste. Best of all, it's FREE for residents. And some very small businesses may qualify for a reduced cost hazardous waste disposal.


Reuse/Thrift Store

default map pin icon 1725 East Maple St., Maquoketa, IA 52060, USA

This listing was last updated on: May 24, 2022

Expanded listing for: repurposedMATERIALS

Hours of Operation





















Description: We are America’s largest “industrial thrift store” focused on the re-use and “repurposing” of the castoffs and discards of commerce and industry. We help small businesses all the way up to Fortune 500 companies divert millions of pounds from the landfill each year. Our company is focused on the Reuse side of the famous Reduce, Reuse, Recycle slogan. So, we don’t Recycle…eg: chip it, shred it, grind it, melt it. With Reuse, we’re looking for byproducts and waste that have value “as is”. Our niche within the Reuse sector is “repurposing”. Examples: It is taking a byproduct or waste stream such as a retired street sweeper brush and giving it a 2nd life as a backscratcher for horses or cattle. It is taking a decommissioned fire hose and giving it an extended life as a boat dock fender. It is taking an obsolete ski lift cable and giving it a second life as hand railing in a luxury condo building. With yards in Arizona, Iowa, Texas, Ohio, the Carolinas, Colorado, we have interest in opportunities all across the United States! We look forward to being a resource on any byproducts, waste, inventories, or equipment that would be a candidate for “repurposing”! Please visit our website, too – – to see all the kinds materials that can be “repurposed”! ALSO, You might appreciate this article Popular Science magazine wrote about our mission/concept of “repurposing”. Fittingly, they released the story on Earth Day! Here is an excerpt: It is no small wonder that so many of repurposedMATERIALS’s clients have some link to farming or ranching—“cowboy engineers,” he calls them. “The ethos of repurposing has never gone away from farming,” he says. These people are used to solving problems on their own. “A cowboy in North Dakota goes, ‘you know what, my tractor’s stuck in the mud and that’s a really thick rope, I bet it’ll pull my tractor.’ I don’t need to get some structural engineer to tell me the rope is strong enough to pull my tractor out.” Popular Science article link>>

default map pin icon 3661 Sky Park Road, Grand Island, NE 68801, USA

This listing was last updated on: November 07, 2022

Expanded listing for: Grand Island Area Clean Community System

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month 8am-noon.

Description: We are a regional facility serving the counties of Hall, Adams, Merrick, Howard and Hamilton, but no one will be turned away due to their location. Products should be in their original containers.

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