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Pollution Solution

Drop Off Location

State Highway 32, Winchester, IN 47394, USA

Pollution Solution--Located at 2115 East State Road 32, Winchester, IN A Place to Dispose of Household Products in an Environmentally Friendly Manner Categories of items that may be dropped off are: Household Hazardous Waste, Fluorescent Bulbs, Batteries, Electronics, Tires and Appliances. 2012 Operating Dates March 16th & 17th April 20th & 21st May 18th & 19th June 15th & 16th July 20th & 21st August 17th & 18th September 14th & 15th October 19th & 20th * Friday operating hours are from 9:00am until 3:00pm **Saturday operating hours are from 8:00am until 12:00pm 2012 Fees There is a minimal charge for all tires. At this time Pollution Solution allows each resident of the county to dispose of 4 CAR TIRES ONLY for FREE. Fees are as follows: Tire Size Un-mounted Mounted Car $2.00 $3.00 Light Truck $3.00 $4.00 Semi/Farm Truck $7.50 $8.50 Tractor $25.00 There is a fee of $10.00 for console and large screen televisions (27" and bigger). Items accepted at Pollution Solution **POLLUTION SOLUTION WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT LATEX PAINT IN 2012 For information on how to properly dispose of lates paint, please call our office at 765-584-9816 KITCHEN AND BATH Liquid cleaners Upholstery cleaners Oven cleaners Furniture polish Bleach Drain cleaners Tub & tile cleaners Fluorescent bulbs Ballasts Batteries (all kinds) Fire extinguishers Aerosol cans GARAGE ANDAUTOMOTIVE Oil and antifreeze Brake fluid Transmission fluid Wax, polish, & cleaner Car paint & solvents Car batteries/acids Gasoline & kerosene Propane cylinders Mercury switches Refrigerants Grease & degreasers Grout & caulk Sealants Tar/sealers/solvents Tires (fees apply) GARDEN AND WORKSHOP Fertilizers Pesticides Herbicides Weed sprays Bug sprays Rodent poisons Oil-based paint/stain/varnish Spray paint Thinners & strippers Acetone Epoxy/adhesives/glues Water repellants Pool chemicals Propane tanks PERSONAL CARE AND MISC. Prescription medicine (NO controlled medications will be accepted) OTC meds Thermometers Sharps (needles) Hair dyes Perm chemicals Hair spray (aerosol) Nail polish Perfume Artist paints Chemistry sets TVs, VCRs, DVDs (fees apply on large screen 27" or bigger and console televisions) Computers Electronics WHITE GOODS (APPLIANCES) Refrigerators Stoves Microwaves Washing Machines Dryers Freezers If you have questions on whether an item or substance can be brought to Pollution Solution please call our office at 765-584-9816.

materials accepted

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