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Hardwick, MA, USA

Hardwick Recycling Center is located on 2011 Barre Rd. (Route 32), Wheelwright, MA a village of Hardwick MA. Our facility is open Wednesdays 9:00am-11:00am and Saturdays 8:00am-12:00pm. In addition to accepting cardboard, mixed paper, commingle and glass we also take in many (HMW) hard to manage waste items such as mercury containing, ewaste, scrap metals, tires, used oil filters, used antifreeze, appliances, textiles, fluorescent bulbs, pcb-containing ballasts, etc. For a detailed list and pricing you can visit our website. One of the things we provide that is used by many is the "swap shed". New / gently used items come and go quickly.

materials accepted

  • Include lids with containers
  • Rinse or wipe clean all food or other residue from bottles & containers
  • No Bags, Wrap or Film Plastic
  • No Electronics/Appliances
  • No Foam
  • No Foam Blocks/Shapes
  • No Foam Food Service: cups, plates, take-out containers
  • No Foam Peanuts
  • No Food Contaminated Containers
  • No Frozen Food Bags
  • No Hazardous Product Containers
  • No Motor Oil Bottles/Containers
  • No Other Film
  • No Pouches
  • No Thin Foamed Product Wrap/Sheets

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