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Sundown Tire Recycling

Scrap Tire Facility

1013 Happy Hollow Road, Piketon, OH 45601, USA

Sundown Tire Recycling owns and operates a Class II scrap tire recovery facility. Reach out to Sundown Tire Recycling for hours of operation and services provided. A fee is charged on tires brought to the facility. **Please remember that no more than 10 scrap tires can be hauled in a vehicle at a time, unless the transporter is a registered scrap tire transporter or meets an exemption in the Ohio Administrative Code.**

materials accepted



Member of the following program(s):

  • Ohio EPA Recycling Directory

    Ohio EPA's Division of Materials and Waste Management works closely with Ohio's Solid Waste Management Districts to manage this directory. This Directory is provided as a public service and is not an endorsement of specific businesses or organizations.

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