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Jay County Solid Waste Management District

Recycler Facility

5948 W SR 67, Portland, IN 47371, USA

The Jay County Solid Waste Management District was organized in 2002 when the Jay County Commissioners chose to leave the Mideast Indiana Solid Waste District. The Jay County Solid Waste Management District is a special district of the Jay County government governed by a seven member board of directors. The district and its staff have been dedicated to providing residents with recycling and waste reductions opportunities since 2002. The district handles recycling for all county residents with the exception of the City of Portland which offers its residents curbside service. The district holds annual events for all county residents to include: free shredding days, free landfill days, an annual Tox Away Day, and various educational workshops and events. The district offers year round electronics recycling, toner recycling, and battery recycling to all county residents. The district houses a large reuse center for educators, homeschooling parents, and any who crafts. The district also offers assistance and education to businesses and organizations.

materials accepted



Member of the following program(s):



  • Can I drop electronics off anytime?

    Electronics recycling is only available 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. For more information, please visit our website or call the district office.

  • Is the district open every Monday through Wednesday?

    The district office follows the same holiday schedule as other Jay County government offices. Please visit our website for a current holiday schedule.

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