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Alpena Resource Recovery Facility

Material Recovery Facility

4395 West M-32, Alpena, MI 49707, USA

Alpena Resource Recovery Facility (ARRF) is a one-stop recycling facility. Residents in Alpena County pay $20.00 a year on their taxes to operate ARRF. Residents from out of county must get a permit to use our recycling bins, either by stopping by ARRF 4395 M32 West Alpena, Mi., or sending a check for $50.00 to NEMCOG PO Box 457, Gaylord, Mi. 49734, and a permit will be mailed out. Permits are good for one year from the date of purchase. Businesses are required to get a Business permit to recycle. Costs are $300.00 a year and the Businesses are required to bring their recyclables to Recycling Facility at 4395 M32 West, Alpena. These permits are good for one year from the date of purchase. On the web go to Alpena Northeast Michigan. On our home page you will find "What do I do with", click on an item you wish to recycle or dispose of. Even better fill out the information on the left and our Recycling Genie will do all the work for you. The Genie will direct you to either dispose of, direct you to the nearest recycling bin, or bring the item to ARRF for recycling. We have 9 sites in Alpena County where residents can drop off recyclables. These sites are listed below and on our home page on the Web. Contamination is a very big problem. On each of the 9 recycling bins is a list of items to recycle, and not to recycle. We ask that you pay close attention to the no's to recycling. We have an annual Countywide Cleanup day usually on the 1st Saturday of May and an electronics collection on the 1st Saturday of June. Some fees may apply. Check our website for details. Any questions or comments can be directed to me Stan Mischley at the email and phone number above. Please be aware that only paper, cardboard, plastic, and tin cans are allowed in our recycling bins. All other materials must be brought to the recycling facility on M32. During the months of May through October, we collect tires, Household hazardous waste, and paint. Please check our website for dates and prices. We also take household garbage and construction materials year around. Fee applies. We also take sharps/needles year-round, and fees apply. Thanks for recycling. Recycle Bin Locations: Northern Light Arena 751 Woodward Avenue Alpena, Mi. 49707 Alpena High School 3303 S 3rd. St. Alpena, Mi. 49707 Alpena Township Hall 4385 US 23 North, Alpena, Mi. 49707 Nieman's Family Market 22052 US 23 South Alpena, Mi. 49707 Green Township Hall 14621 M-32 Lachine, Mi. 49753 Long Rapids Township 5310 M-65 North, Lachine, Mi. 49753 Maple Ridge Township 6000 W. LaComb Rd, Alpena, Mi. 49707 Bob-A- Lu Market 10010 Werth Rd. Herron, Mi. 49744 Sanborn Township Hall 12011 US 23 South Ossineke, Mi. 49766

materials accepted

  • Do not bag recyclables
  • Empty and replace cap
  • Include lids with containers
  • Rinse or wipe clean all food or other residue from bottles & containers
  • No Bags, Wrap or Film Plastic
  • No Blister Pack
  • No Compostable Products (e.g. PLA)
  • No Cups
  • No Deli, Take-out or Bakery Clamshells or Trays
  • No Foam
  • No Foam Blocks/Shapes
  • No Foam Food Service: cups, plates, take-out containers
  • No Foam Peanuts
  • No Food Contaminated Containers
  • No Frozen Food Bags
  • No Hazardous Product Containers
  • No Motor Oil Bottles/Containers
  • No Other Film
  • No Pouches
  • No Products that Contain Bio- or Oxi- Degradable Additives
  • No Thin Foamed Product Wrap/Sheets
  • No Toys
  • No Toys with Metal or Electronics


Member of the following program(s):

  • Michigan Recycling Directory

    The Michigan Recycling Directory provides a platform for residents to find recycling locations near them, and recycling organizations that accept residential materials to promote their services.

    View Profile


  • Where do I take glass?

    Glass is accepted only at the recycling facility on M32. There is a small charge for glass.

  • Where do I take Hazmate and electronics?

    These products are accepted at the recycling facility on M32 on Wednesday 8am-3pm and Saturday 8am-1pm only from May 1st through October 31. There is a cost to recycle these items. Please see our webpage and ask the genie for help.

  • What about household garbage, furniture, construction material?

    We take all these materials all year long during normal working hours. Go to our website and ask the genie for directions.

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