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Recycle Ann Arbor Drop-Off Station

Drop Off Location

2950 East Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

Founded in 1977, Recycle Ann Arbor is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to innovative recycling programs that improve the environmental quality of our community. Recycle Ann Arbor's Drop-Off Station provides recycling and compost services for much more than what can be put in your curbside recycling bin. Accepting plastic bags, plastic bottle caps, styrofoam, textiles, electronics, yard waste and more, you really can increase your recycling through utilizing the Drop-Off Station station. There is a $3 entry fee for drop off recycling and additional fees for many other items. View prices:

materials accepted

  • Place all clean, dry bags and film inside another bag and tie off
  • Rinse or wipe clean all food or other residue from bottles & containers
  • No Compostable Products (e.g. PLA)
  • No Plastic marked PVC (3)


Member of the following program(s):

  • Michigan Recycling Directory

    The Michigan Recycling Directory provides a platform for residents to find recycling locations near them, and recycling organizations that accept residential materials to promote their services.

    View Profile

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