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Jefferson Township Transfer Station

Transfer Station | Drop Off Location | Processing and Transfer Facility | Scrap Tire Collection Site

3255 Pioneer Road, Osseo, MI 49266, USA

A solid waste transfer and recycling center. Mission Statement: To serve the residences and property owners of Jefferson Township and surrounding communities by having a clean, friendly and easily accessible facility for promoting recycling and affordable trash service. We are extremely proud to say that "No Jefferson Township taxpayer money is being used for the daily operation of our facility." Transfer station fees fully cover our daily operation. We have free recycling, on many items, for all participating townships. Our recycling program is funded by the sale of recyclables but when the market value of recyclable materials doesn't cover all cost then it is covered by transfer station revenues.

materials accepted

  • Include lids with containers
  • Rinse or wipe clean all food or other residue from bottles & containers
  • No Black Plastic
  • No Flower Pots
  • No Hazardous Product Containers
  • No Motor Oil Bottles/Containers
  • No Plastic marked PS (6)
  • No Plastic marked PVC (3)

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