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Farmers Union Co-op

Drop Off Location

820 West Angus Road, Gretna, NE 68028, USA

Plastic pesticide containers made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) only. HDPE containers are marked with the plastic resin code #2. Accepted Pesticide, crop oil, adjuvant, and surfactant containers (1.0 or 2.5 gallons) Stained, but clean, containers NOT Accepted Drums Un-rinsed containers Crushed containers Containers that held products (including pesticides) labeled for consumer use in households, lawns and gardens, and swimming pools Mini-bulk bins, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), saddle tanks, and nurse tanks Containers with external pesticide residue that can be rubbed off by a protectively-gloved hand 1.0- and 2.5-Gallon Container Requirements Remove label booklets, plastic shrink-wrap labels, and caps; dispose of as solid waste. Be sure to rinse caps before disposing of them A single layer of glued-on paper labels may remain on the container Bags of containers must be stored to avoid exposure to the elements Do not bale or crush containers


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