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Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District


10700 Prospect Lane, Aurora, IN 47001, USA

The Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District was formed in 1993 to inspire and assist residents and businesses within the county to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and properly dispose of solid waste. The District offers accessible and convenient recycling to county residents in the Drive-Thru Recycling Center open 37 hours each week and 14 drop-off locations available 24/7. The Drive-Thru accepts tires, non-alkaline batteries, appliances, fluorescent bulbs, motor oil and electronics and more. Household chemicals and other hazardous wastes are collected in the Drive-Thru as well. Creation Station, the first reuse program of its kind in southeastern Indiana, is a clearinghouse for materials that are made available to any Dearborn County teacher or not-for-profit educator.The District offers free educational programs to youth and adults, schools, community organizations and individuals on a variety of topics.

materials accepted

  • Do not bag recyclables
  • Empty and replace cap
  • No Bags, Wrap or Film Plastic

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