What can I recycle at London Drugs?
The following items may be recycled at London Drugs: - Electrical and Electronic goods (TVs, VCRs, computers, monitors, printers etc) - Small Appliances (purchased at London Drugs) - Styrofoam, plastic and cardboard packaging from our products - Cell phones, PDA and rechargeable batteries - Alkaline Batteries - Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s) and fluorescent light tubes up to 4-foot lengths - Disposable cameras - Inkjet cartridges - Laser cartridges - Metal film canisters - Plastic bags - Pop bottles and cans (BC only) - Insurance plastic folders - Laser cartridges Note: Our recycling service is designed to handle items that are at the end of their usable life. For items that are still working and usable, consider donating them to local charities such as Salvation Army Thrift Stores. Contact your Municipal or Provincial recycling authority for more information on the services available in your area.
What is the "Bring back the pack" program?
As part of our commitment to reduce waste, London Drugs takes back your packaging from any product we sell in our stores – whether it’s a tube of sunscreen or a flat-screen TV. From plastic packs to cardboard, plastic wrap, and even Styrofoam, as long as you have the receipt, just bring the packaging to Customer Service and we’ll take care of it. We collect all of our recycling centrally and send it to local facilities for responsible processing. It’s easier on landfills, convenient for our customers and better for the environment. Like the London Drugs Bring Back the Pack program? Please tell your friends and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions. Learn more here: https://youtu.be/8xsAqehugVM
How does London Drugs recycle packaging materials?
Mixed plastics, soft plastics, cardboard and medication containers are sent to Cascades Recovery, for sorting and processing before being shipped and sold as commodities for remanufacturing. Styrofoam is processed at FOAM Only, in Coquitlam, BC, where it is compressed into shippable styrene for remanufacturing.
Does London Drugs recycle batteries?
Batteries are collected at London Drugs through a program operated by Call2Recycle™ – a free battery and cell phone collection program funded by product manufacturers. Both rechargeable and single-use batteries may be dropped off at your local London Drugs. Lithium Ion batteries (one of the more common rechargeable types) are sent to Toxco, in Trail, BC, for safe remote-control processing, and the recovered lithium converted to lithium carbonate for reuse. Metals recovered from other battery types include nickel, iron, cadmium, lead, and cobalt. Plastic casings and other scrap are converted to energy. Alkaline batteries are recycled at Inmetco, in Pennsylvania, USA, using a High-Temperature Metals Recovery Process (HTMR) obtaining an overall material recovery rate of 83%. Metals recovered include Iron, Nickel, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc. Ni-CAD, Ni-MH and Ni-Zn batteries are also processed at Inmetco. For more information, call 1-888-224-9764 or visit www.call2recycle.ca
Does London Drugs recycle cell phones?
Cell phones are collected at London Drugs through a program operated by Call2Recycle™ – a free battery and cell phone collection program funded by product manufacturers. All over Canada, millions of old cell phones sit in drawers because we think they may get used again. Why not get rid of the clutter responsibly and bring them into London Drugs? Through Call2Recycle, Cell phones are shipped to Wireless Alliance in Boulder, Colorado, USA. When possible, old cell phones are refurbished and/or resold. (When resold, a portion of the proceeds are donated to select charities) The remainder is recycled, so none of the broken-down material makes its way into landfills. For more information, call 1-888-224-9764 or visit www.call2recycle.ca
Does London Drugs recycle electronics?
Electronic waste is a huge landfill problem, but it need not be! If you have an old computer, monitor, printer, TV, VCR, disc player, speakers, even wiring – you can just bring it to us. We will recycle it responsibly. All electronic products are recycled back to their basic components, and London Drugs works diligently to ensure that our electronic recyclables are not shipped to sub-standard offshore facilities. We are accepting reusable computers (4 years old or less), flat screen monitors or laptops and donating them to Free Geek, an amazing community organization that puts reuse BEFORE recycling. Free Geek provides job skills training, Internet access and free or low-cost computers to the public. Volunteers pitch in to help test, refurbish or dismantle unwanted computer equipment donated by the public. Free computers are distributed to volunteers and other non-profits and Free Geek supports its activities through computer thrift store and recycling revenue.
Will London Drugs still accept my non-working electronics?
Yes. London Drugs still accepts non-working computers, electronics, and appliances
Does London Drugs recycle VHS tapes?
London Drugs accepts VHS Tapes and other recordable media for recycling. (Maximum 16 per visit, with purchase.*) We are pleased to announce we are now able to offer our customers drop-off recycling for virtually all recordable media or media storage devices that London Drugs sells. Simply bring your tapes and media (maximum 16 items) to your local London Drugs Customer Service counter along with your receipt for purchase of like or new items.* *As we cannot accept unlimited amounts of material, we must limit our take-back to 16 items with the purchase of like or new items at our stores. This limit will help us offer this recycling service to more customers, rather than just to a few who bring in excess material.
How will London Drugs protect my personal data when recycling my electronics?
We are one of the only computer recycling options where your valuable personal data is protected. We track and monitor all recycling to ensure all drives are completely destroyed before any materials are shipped. So your data won’t fall into the wrong hands and your computer won’t add to the landfill.
Does London Drugs recycle light bulbs and tubes?
After Compact Fluorescent bulbs (CFL's) have spent their long lives helping reduce your electricity usage, they need to be disposed of properly. You can bring back your Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs and Fluorescent Light (FL) Tubes up to 4-foot lengths, to London Drugs for safe, responsible recycling. Simply wrap your old bulbs carefully in a plastic bag (a box is even better) and drop them off at the Customer Service Counter, or preferably at the Receiving Department, of your local London Drugs store. Bulbs are transported to our recycling partner, ProductCare LightRecycle, where components are safely separated and the residuals are sent for recycling.
Can I recycle unwanted medications at London Drugs?
Yes. Many prescription medications, over-the-counter products and health supplements remain in medicine cabinets and kitchen drawers long after their expiry date, while others are simply unused. So why not just throw them away in the garbage or flush them down the toilet? Medications in the garbage can pose a hazard to pets and wildlife, and beyond that, can infiltrate groundwater, eventually entering drinking water and the food chain. Leachate, the rainwater that percolates through the landfill and collects at the bottom, has been shown to contain antidepressants, antibiotics, steroids, hormones, heart and asthma medications and painkillers. Drugs flushed down the toilet enter the waste water treatment system, which is not designed to filter out the complex chemicals that make up today’s medicines. Contaminated water gets released to the environment and negatively affects aquatic organisms, fish, and other wildlife.
What happens when you bring expired medications to London Drugs?
Medication Returns Program: All medications are safely incinerated, preventing them from entering landfills, sewers and the environment at large. We request that, whenever possible, you remove drugs from their packaging, and recycle the packaging appropriately, before bringing medications to the pharmacy for disposal. Recycling of vials, bottles, and lids: If you are unable to recycle your lids, bottles, and/or medication vials, or you prefer to return unused or expired medications in their original packaging, we will happily recycle them for you. Diabetic Needle Disposal Program: With the purchase of 100 BD syringes or pen needles, you will receive a certified biohazard needle disposal container free of charge. (If you are not buying needles, you may still purchase a container for a nominal charge.) Filled containers may be returned to a London Drugs pharmacy and we will dispose of the contents in a way that is safe for the public and the environment.
Can I recycle small appliances at London Drugs?
If you have an old or broken small appliance with a plug-in cord – such as a hair dryer, toaster, blender, etc – don’t throw it away. You can bring it to your local London Drugs for recycling. London drugs works with stewardship agencies across all provinces. In BC we work with ElectroRecycle which is a non-profit program funded by a recycling fee applied to new electrical products brought into B.C. by manufacturers and retailers. The fee covers all program costs, including collection, transportation, and recycling expenses. London drugs displays recycling fees as a separate charge at check-out for your information. For our customers outside BC, we accept your small corded appliances for free recycling as well. And whenever you recycle with London Drugs you know all your old appliances and electronics are disassembled responsibly.