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Delta Solid Waste Management Authority


5701 19th Avenue North, Escanaba, MI 49829, USA

All Construction, Demolition, General Waste and Municipal Solid Waste is at $57.00 dollars per ton. There is a ten dollar minimum charge. Freon, $40.00 per unit for removal of freon: Refrigerators, Freezers, Air conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Coolers Electronics, $5.00 to $30.00: TV's/Flat Screens, Computers/Components, main frame, screens and monitors, key boards Other Electronics, $5.00 to $30.00: Copy Machines, Printers/Fax. All Other Mattresses or Box Springs, $15.00 each: Any size Tires: Car/Truck $3.00 plus weight charge Semi-Truck $20.00 plus weight charge Tractor/Equipment $30.00 plus weight charge Hazardous Waste: Oil based paints, stains, thinners, $4.00 per gallon Household batteries, $.75 per pound Aerosols, $3.00 per pound 4 foot florescent bulbs, $.50 8 foot florescent bulbs, $1.00 Pesticides & Herbicides Free, due to Clean Sweep grant Technician fee (Commercial Customers), 15% of disposal fee

materials accepted



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